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About The G.O.A.T

The Greatest Of All Towels The G.O.A.T was founded in May 2019 and is based in Paris Ontario, Canada. The G.O.A.T was developed while getting ready for The Forest City Open, a disc golf tournament in London, Ontario. A 3-day event with heavy rainstorms being forecasted. I needed a towel that could withstand the harsh weather conditions in the forecast. That is when I started to develop the G.O.A.T. The G.O.A.T is dedicated to providing the best Golf and Disc Golf towels on the market.

The first version on the G.O.A.T.

The original version did not have a metal grommet in the middle instead, it had a nylon strap at the top. The logo was also different on this version.

The current version now has a metal grommet in the middle of the towel

(this stops the towels from dragging when attached to your DG bag) it is much more secure. We also changed the logo and believe it is much nicer and easier to see on the towel.

We recently added a new smaller version (9X9) of our great towel. It may be small but it's still a G.O.A.T

Since May 2019 we have grown faster than we could have expected. We are now in 10 retail locations and adding stores daily.

Whirlwind Disc Golf Store

The story of The G.O.A.T is just starting and we are looking forward to sharing it with you.

The disc golf community is amazing and we are very fortunate to be part of it.

Thank You.


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